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Information Systems’ Auditing

IS Auditing is defined as the process of

  • attesting objectives: (those of the external auditor) that focus on asset safeguarding,
  • data integrity and management objectives: (those of the internal auditor) that include effectiveness and efficiency both.
  • This enables organizations to better achieve four major objectives that are as follows:
  • Asset Safeguarding Objectives: The information system assets (hardware, software, data information etc.) must be protected by a system of internal controls from unauthorized access.
  • Data Integrity Objectives: It is a fundamental attribute of IS Auditing. The importance to maintain integrity of data of an organization requires all the time. It  is also important  from the business perspective of the decision maker, competition and the market environment.
  • System Effectiveness Objectives: Effectiveness of a system is evaluated by auditing the characteristics and objective of the system to meet business and user requirements.
  • System Efficiency Objectives: To optimize the use of various  information  system resources (machine time, peripherals, system software and labor) along with the impact on its computing environment.

Need for Audit of Information Systems

  • To prevent Organizational Costs of Data Loss

It is required to protect Data Loss, as data is the most critical resource  for  an  organization for its present as well as future development.

–Data Integrity Objectives

It is a fundamental attribute of IS Auditing. The importance to maintain integrity  of data  of an organisation requires all the time.

–High Costs of Computer Error

In a computerized environment a data error during entry or process can cause great damage. Such damage is intended to be avoided.

–To ensure Correct Decision Making

It ensures that accurate data is available for managers to take high level decisions for detection, investigations and correction of out-of-control processes.

–To protect Hardware, Software and Personnel

These  are critical resources of an   organization   which   has    a    credible    impact    on  its infrastructure and business competitiveness.

–Controlled evolution of computer Use

Use of Technology  and reliability of complex computer  systems cannot be guaranteed  and the consequences of using unreliable systems can be destructive.

–To control Costs of Computer Abuse

Unauthorized access to computer systems, computer viruses, unauthorized physical  access to computer facilities and unauthorized copies of sensitive data can lead to destruction of assets (hardware, software, documentation etc.) and Control and Audit is required to control such access.

–Maintenance of Privacy

So that data collected in a business process are adequately guarded and their privacy is maintained. These data could contain sensitive information about any  individual, company etc.

–System Effectiveness Objectives

Effectiveness of a system is evaluated by auditing the characteristics and objective of the system to meet substantial user requirements.

–System Efficiency Objectives

It is required to optimize the use of various information system resources (machine time, peripherals, system software and labor) along with the impact on its computing environment.

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